By Jeffery Sayers Jr.
Have you ever thought about gay life in Iran? Well, think about it you'd never have a gay lover there, at least not like you would have in the United States. If you're caught messing around another guy, you could be flogged or even worse stoned or shot to death.
Much too frequently, we take our gay freedoms for granted. True, we cannot walk down the streets with our lovers hand in hand or caress in public like the straight people do, but we can in our homes and our bars.
In the late 50's, a gay dance bar was almost unheard of in Ohio. As the early 60's came, Rosemary's, also known as Mr. D's Peppermint Lounge, was one of the first where gay dancing was permitted. The bar was located in Columbus, Ohio near the fairgrounds. About 300 gay/lesbians would gather there on weekends to party and dance. No, there was no disco back then, but slow dancing and jitterbugging was enjoyed. A large
light was over the front door and when it went on everybody stopped dancing and portrayed themselves as ladies and gentlemen. The reason for the light was a warning that the vice police were coming in. Everything sort of stopped until they left.
Today, vice police still come in our bars, but the partying and dancing doesn't stop, nor do we have to pretend we are all straight. Things are much more open today and the laws
are more lienient then they were in the 60's. We in Ohio enjoy a very tolerated gay life as to what some states let gay people get away with. In Ohio, it is legal for two people of the same sex to share love and sex in private. Most younger gays today take that right for granted.
Too often, young gays don't realize the need for gay activism, but it has been through gay activism that we have gained our rights. Gay groups such as The Ohio Gay Rights Coalition Stonewall Union, KGLF, Gear and so that have helped us to obtain the gay freedoms we now enjoy. If we as gay people fail to continue to support groups of gay activism, we could very well lose the rights we enjoy. To hold on to these freedoms, we must continually fight against the anti-gay movement. If we don't, our bars could close, our gay presses shut down, no more baths, etc.
I only hope you the reader understand what I'm trying to point out. Our gay organizations in Ohio are run on a shoe. string compared to straight organizations. Gay people historically have taken an apathetical attitude by majority and leave it up to a very small minority to get them gay freedoms. It is time that each of us start to support our gay groups more both physically and financially. It is through these groups that we can maintain the progress we've made.
GEAR FOUNDATION REPORT continued from page 3
In the last half hour of the meeting, members elected a new 7 member board of trustees for the interim period until the regular election in June.
Page Seven
At this point, I felt somewhat reassured that Gear was making the right positive moves to assure their continuance. I only hope that the new people will be doers and not critics on little pedestals waving their credentials. In time, we will all see if the Gear people can repair the damage they've done to themselves.
cordially invites you to attend our Christmas Eve Worship Service. Friday, December 24th 10:30 p.m. at 475 West Market Street, Akron, Ohio
Bring a covered dish to share following the service. (ham and turkey furnished)
Join us for the Grand Opening of our new addition
Open House December 15 7p.m.-10p.m.
Come see our new facilities designed
for you and your lifestyle "THE ORIGINAL CLUB BATH"
1448 West 32nd Street Cleveland, Ohio (216) 961-2727
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